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Writing Course


Next class will start Saturday/Sunday 25th/26th January

and will run for four consecutive Saturdays/Sundays.


US Pacific Saturday 11th 11am

US Eastern Saturday 11th 2pm

UK/Ireland Saturday 11th 7pm

Australian Eastern Sunday 12th 6am (Queensland 5am)

New Zealand Sunday 12th 8am


In this live online & recorded course, you'll join a group of new writers in an exclusive Facebook group. During our weekly live online sessions, you'll share and discuss your own writing goals, questions, issues and successes, and receive individual and group coaching.  Together we'll cover it all, from how to get started, to overcoming common obstacles, to honing your craft. Get ready to get cracking on your book! It's your time.


Pay what you can afford!










​When paying, please ensure your Paypal email is the one I can contact you on. If a different person is paying, they must note the name and email address of the person for whom the course is intended.


Course Content

Introduction. What, when, how, who – all the details of the course, its outline, times of day, what you’ll need, etc. ​


Getting started. The "call" to write and what that's all about. Honouring the call. Deciding what to write. The creative process. Creating a regular writing habit. Procrastination & other obstacles. Keeping going. 


Plot, Structure, Themes. Creating a story arc. Building the layers of your story. Plot holes. Writing that gets in the way. Flow. Sub-plots.


Point of View. Which one? Advantages and disadvantages. Common mistakes & how to avoid them.


The 20 mistakes that all new writers make, and how to avoid/fix them.


Making the ordinary extraordinary. "Show, don't tell" and making your words sing.


Writing non-fiction & memoir. Clarifying your goals. Figuring out content. Creating structure & flow. Do's and don'ts. What to leave out. Making it meaningful. 


Characters. Giving them life & soul. Avoiding flat characters. Creating your character's arc.


What you should expect from an editor. Types of editing. Time & fees. What to avoid. Questions to ask.


Publishing. Carpetbaggers & charlatans. Self-publishing vs traditional publishing. How to. Pitfalls.


Marketing your book. Social media, websites, email, and the whole nine yards. 


More… Your questions answered. Throughout the course, you’ll have questions – I’ll make sure these are all answered by the end of the course.



Pay what you can afford!









When paying, please ensure your Paypal email is the one I can contact you on. If a different person is paying, they must note the name and email address of the person for whom the course is intended.

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Sue's 10 week writing course moved me from 10 years of procrastination into writing my book. Sue's inspirational insights and advice truly helped. The content of the programme gave me a solid foundation on which to build my book. I now have faith in my writing.

Elizabeth Ann Morris, Scotland

One of the best things I have done. I understand a lot more now. I would recommend it to everyone.

Cheryl Campbell, Whanganui, New Zealand

My best friend has told me all of my life that I have a gift with words. Just over 3 years ago I was guided to write a children's book. It was written but not finished and needed to be edited. I was given Sue’s name by a lady that I trusted and I plucked up the courage to send my book to Sue, which was not in the best order or state. But for me it was now or never. When Sue returned my book, I cried with joy and also the sheer fact that she understood my words. I joined Sue’s writing course and I gained so much and I totally got why I had waited for Sue to come along.

Aileen Sullivan, Scotland

I am so grateful for this program! This course has made me think differently about my writing process. I am thankful for Sue and for her ability to make me look at things in a different light. A must for all writers.

C. Ara Campbell, Canada

The Rebel Magic Writing Course is giving me the skillful knowledge I've lacked, and most importantly, returning my confidence - enabling me to continue a journey I'd almost given up on. Sue is not just a brilliant writer/author, but a generous teacher; encouraging, inspiring, and best - truthful! I have been blessed by the crossing of our paths. 

Elizabeth Herd, Michigan

The best decision I ever made was to join Rebel Magic, Sue is very informative and is excellently supportive throughout the course.

Jacqui McAvinney, Northern Ireland

What can I say? About a thousand things really. But here is the reader’s digest version. Networking - First and foremost the connections you make with other writers is worth the fee all by itself. The community of writers was very inspiring for me. Old dogs and new tricks - The lessons were valuable mostly as a refresher to all those things we were once schooled in. Notwithstanding, I learned new skills which have helped me to improve my writing. Atmosphere - the environment is rich with encouragement and comradery which makes this course priceless. Good Luck in your writing.

Pamela Key Vinton, Texas

Two Reasons to sign up for Rebel Magic Writing Course:

1) Sue will teach you how to make your writing more readable and interesting. She fills each class with tips, techniques and examples of what to do (and what not to do) to write well.

2) Sue will inspire you as she generously shares her skill, expertise and creative talent. In each session, she will encourage you to write, to change your point of view, to edit, to market, to finish well. If you’re serious about honing your writing, whether you intend to publish or not, this class is for you.

Jorie Kramer, Colorado

I was so happy to see the Rebel Magic Writing course offered online. I have always wanted to become an author, but I lacked the confidence and didn’t know how to get started. Taking this class definitely helped me by not only moving me forward, but also with discussing how to get published. Sue is amazing and instructs her class on the latest writing, publishing, and editing skills. She is funny and kind and puts the student in an environment with other likeminded people from all around the world. An added bonus is that there are follow-up courses that have allowed me to stay on track. I highly recommend this course for anyone who’s been stuck in trying to write their story. It has been an amazing journey and one that I can keep pursuing.

Jeryl Lloyd, Florida


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